Calling all SPPRAK warriors!!
Today is the day to sign up to take part on February 17th the National Day of Kindness or take your video and send it in to http
Here is the story of “what's up” from the Tribstar:
Are you an artsy type? Here is your opportunity!
You can even try to catch someone in the act of performing a kindness, like this video of a policeman stopping to play catch with a boy:
It is a great time to get involved, grab your friends, grab your coworkers. Even if you are not in Terre Haute, IN don't think you can't take part. What does kindness mean to you? Take a chance and take your video! And if you are not so video inclined, how about a story? A story about what kindness means to you, a kindness done for you or by you. This blog may seem like a commercial for the Unleashing Kindness in Terre Haute, but what it really is an invitation, to take kindness to your street to your community and into the lives of all the people you come in contact with! SPPRAK is out on the kindness revolution, and we want you to come along!