Tuesday, May 14, 2013

NBC Nightly News and SPPRAK

It has been a week since our SPPRAK Pack national debut on the NBC Nightly News. In case you missed it here is the link: nbcnews.com, and some additional footage from their website that didn't make the news but includes interviews worth watching: nbcnews.com web only video clip. When we started this project we did not know that it would gain national attention. It was just something simple to get students and staff  involved in acts of kindness. Teachers, principals and students alike have gotten on board the Be Part of the SPPRAK Pack Program. Simple gestures such as opening a door or tying someone’s shoes for them can change their day and make it brighter. While it is too soon to tell the success our project will have on a broad scale, we know we have made an impact. There is a universal appeal to children being kind. The students that were interviewed, and all that participate daily in the program, are so optimistic, and give us hope for the future. People from across the country (and some from outside our country) have contacted us for additional information. They want the chance to make a difference for the children in their community. What is it they say? And a child shall lead them? Watch the clips and you will hear from Martin, age 6 and a half and one-quarter, why being kind is important. And become part of the SPPRAK Pack! 

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