Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 8 - 15

February 8 through 15 is Random Acts of Kindness Week! Of course, SPPRAK likes to think every week is random acts of kindness week! So lets say just for this week we get intentional about our kindness acts. Lets go out of our way to make kindness happen. We will start out easy with a couple of free and easy suggestions:

Smile, that's right, smile. At everyone. Today. You might even add a hi how are you to the mix, but it is not required. Just a simple, friendly, sincere smile. You are doing it right now aren't you? Don't you feel better? Now, go spread that around! The world could use a smile or two from you!

Next, open a door for someone. “Let me get that”, you say. Young, old, male or female, your act of kindness will be a hit.

Ask someone how they are doing and actually listen to them. Not the hurried, that's good kind of listening but the kind and caring listen. You might be just the one to change their day!

Say thank you.

Say please

Hug a friend

Pet a dog

Lend a hand.

None of these cost much, money wise, at the same time they are powerful reminders of kindness. Not all worth can be tallied by money, kindness is like that. The importance is in the ability to effect those we don't even know.

Please come over to our Facebook page SPPRAK and share your stories of kindness with our followers! 

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