Sunday, June 3, 2012

SPPRAK Blog Sunday June 3, 2012

Some exciting news from the SPPRAK group! We are now an official 501c3 not for profit corporation! And, we are now accepting donations to help us with our mission to help others, and your donations are tax deductable! A really special thanks to the Modesitt Law Firm for their help! In the coming weeks we will be doing some “fun”-raising for our SPPRAK group. Our first fundraising mission will be to purchase insurance that is required for us to have our events. This is approximately $400 per year. We will use the money for costs associated with our “fun” raising efforts. Thank you all in advance for your support!

On another note, we hear every day about how bad our cities look, the tagging, the litter, etc, etc. It is not hard to point out the problems our city or any city has. Let’s face it though, changing the problems will not happen in a single sweep, with someone else doing it, it happens with small changes, it happens with us.

That being said, SPPRAK is picking up the baton, or paint brush in this case, this summer and taking on the anti graffiti fight! This summer, for 6 days, 2 in June, July and August, we intend to make a difference in Terre Haute, by painting over graffiti. Our first meeting will be June 4, 2012 at Illiana Truck Parts at 25th and Locust. Pull into the lot off of Locust. We will meet from 6 to 6:30. We are looking for leaders, paint will be provided, but you will need paint brushes when we start. Tomorrow will be to organize. We have selected sites in town, mostly on 25th St. Everyone is welcome, however, because of insurance we cannot use anyone under the age of 18. Do not be discouraged by this, we would like to start an anti tagging revolution and you can take your youth group, or other organization and pick your part of town to make a difference in. Show up tomorrow and find out what we will be doing, we will give out all you need to know. The commitment is small, one hour 6 times this summer, Monday nights from 6-7. Pretty easy!

Our anti tagging effort is part of a bigger SPPRAK project, our organization is also working on bringing some murals to our downtown area. We have some preliminary sites in the works, so watch for updates. This is something that other cities have done, and would be such a great project for Terre Haute. Watch here, our facebook page, and twitter for what is going on with SPPRAK. @spprak is our twitter, please follow us, and our email is Your ideas are welcome. We are also committed to our purpose of local people helping local businesses and charities, so if you have a charity you would like us to help, please contact us at our yahoo account!

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