Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Thanksgiving. Just saying that word gives you a good feeling, doesn't it? This is the time of year when people show their generous side. We also are shown the needs of people. As long as there are people, there will be problems. The saying, "you never know what battle someone else is fighting", rings a little more personal around the holidays. The battle is not important; it is how we all fight the war that matters. Orange Friday just ended, a successful campaign to feed the hungry on the Friday prior to Black Friday. It is vital to take care of those organizations that help feed the hungry in each of our communities. But what about the people we interact with everyday? Two agencies; VNA and Hospice of the Wabash Valley and Signature HealthCARE, in Terre Haute have decided this Thanksgiving to take care of the people that can’t really do that for themselves. Let’s talk to Jody Pomfort and Hailee Lauritzen from VNA and Hospice of the Wabash Valley. These two, both social workers at the agency, took it upon themselves to collect food baskets for patients that they knew needed them. “People who are sick don’t necessarily know about community resources. They miss deadlines due to being ill and family members are preoccupied or unable to help,” stated Jody. Just because those available resources are out there does not mean that everyone knows about them. “When we have a chance to help our patients, or anyone really, we should take that opportunity, don’t judge, just give.” Both agreed that the staff at VNA and Hospice are very helpful in getting in touch with people and letting them know about these resources. While our community has great initiatives, taking care of patients by going that extra mile is something both enjoy and feel are important in healing and making people feel more secure. 

Marsia Lorick, HR Director and Sheryl Robinson, ADON at Signature HealthCARE, spearheaded collections for their employees that needed a little help this Thanksgiving. When asked why they decided to give to their employees who needed a little assistance, Sheryl stated that the people that they work with are considered family. That is what family does; they take care of each other. This is their second year of doing the Thanksgiving assistance program for their fellow employees and they both hope to carry it on.  In addition, during Christmas the pair adds a Christmas Angel Tree to the mix for their employee’s children. 

Both agencies are very active in the community. Signature HealthCARE is active with the Alzheimer’s Association as they host a Coffee and Caregiver group for unpaid caregivers. They also recently had a Thanksgiving dinner for residence and family. 

Marsia stated she believes, "It's not just important to get involved in your community, but the place you work is considered your community." Sheryl summed up the sentiments of each of these women very well. When she was asked what the experience was like, she stated that it might be for selfless reasons that they continue to do the program, the pair gain far more than they give. It is a pleasure to be able to help others. They plan to continue their efforts. 

Sheryl, Marsia, Jody and Hailee: SPPRAK® thanks each of you. All of you out there every day taking care of not only the needs of our community, but the needs of people close to you. You never know the good you have done, the ripple you have started and the lives that these gestures has changed. Well done ladies, well done! Happy Thanksgiving!

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